PCE-AC 3000 CO2监护仪
制造商: PCE Model: AC-3000 - 联系
Measurement range for CO2: 0 ... 3000 ppm CO2
Accuracy: ±5 % of reading or ±50 ppm
1 ppm (0-1000 ppm)
5 ppm (1000-2000 ppm)
10 ppm (2000-3000 ppm)
Temperature: -20 ... +50 ºC
Accuracy: ±1 % o ±1 ºC
Resolution: 0,1 ºC
Display: LCD of 7 segments (in 2 lines)
Memory: 48 values
Power: 4 x 1,5 V batteries
Dimensions: 165 x 80 x 23 mm
Weight: 600 g
Manufacturer: PCE - UK
Warranty: 12 months
- 质量承诺
- 正品保修
- 送货到家
- 交易简单化